

Whether or not you consider yourself active, whether or not you exercise and even if you hate exercise, movement is an essential part of your life.

We use movement to get from place to place, to take care of ourselves and others, to eat and prepare food, to run errands and do chores, and those may not be the most exciting parts of life but they are part of our every day.

And then there’s running around with your kids, nieces & nephews, and grandkids, playing sports, hiking, cycling, canoeing, kayaking, going to yoga. 

Maybe you think movement isn’t for you, but wherever you’re at, improving your movement and your strength will help improve your day to day and quality of life! Moving well, feeling strong, confident and capable will help you move through life with more ease.

Kinesiology will help you regain and improve movement so you can feel better and function at your greatest capacity!

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the study of human movement, performance and function. It incorporates the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, psychology and neuroscience. 

Kinesiologists are University trained regulated health care professionals who use their knowledge of movement, biomechanics and physiology to help people prevent and recover from injury, manage health conditions and improve function, performance and quality of life!

Our Kinesiologist works one-on-one with you to create an exercise program that is specific to your needs and goals.

Kinesiologists use movement to help people move well, live well and be well! 

What can Kinesiologists help with? 

Kinesiologists help you with movement related concerns (pain with movement, limited mobility, difficulty with the activities you need to and want to do) and use movement to manage and improve health and well being. 

If you're feeling unbalanced, weak, inflexible and held back from the things you love - kinesiology can help!

Kinesiology can help you with: 

Injury Recovery

  • Individualized programs to help your recovery from sprains, strains and injury 
  • Individualized programs to bridge the gap between rehab and real life 
  • Guidance on returning to or starting sports, exercise, yoga and recreational activities after an injury 

General Health & Wellness:

  • Exercise program development, guidance and progression for all ages, levels, abilities and goals!
  • Guidance when starting an exercise program or returning to exercise 
  • General strengthening 
  • Exercise programs to help manage stress and tension   

Guidance using Gait Aids:

  • Fitting & intruction using a walker or cane 
  • Fitting & instruction using Urban Poles

Preparation for and Recovery from Surgery

  • Exercise programs to prepare you for surgery such as hip and knee replacement
  • Exercise programs to help optimize surgical outomes and recovery 

Manage Health Conditions:

  • Multiple sclerosis 
  • Osteoarthritis - hip, knee & other
  • Osteoporosis 
  • Yoga for osteoporosis 

Pain Care:

  • Knee pain, hip pain, back pain, shoulder pain, ankle pain 
  • Persistent pain 
  • Wrist pain 
  • Address headaches and muscle aches 
  • Address pain and limitation experienced during movement or exercise for example squats, running, yoga, walking, gardening

Seniors Care

  • Exercise programs to improve balance and prevent falls
  • Programs to improve confidence moving around the community and maintain independence
  • Build strength and ability to peform daily activities and improve quality of life!

Will Kinesiology help me? 


Everyone can benefit from movement.

No matter where you’re starting, and where you want to go, our Kinesiologist can help. Movement is for everyone, and our Kinesiologist will make movement work for YOU.

Still not sure if Kinesiology will help?

Contact us today to book a FREE 15 minute consultationt to chat with our kinesiologist, have your questions answered and find out how kinesiology services can help you! 

Meet our Kinesiologist 

Tamara Cormier, Kinesiologist & Yoga Therapist at Fit For Life Physiotherapy in Burlington Ontario

What does a Kinesiology treatment look like?

Kinesiologists use movement to address pain and limitation and improve your function and performance. 

During your first appointment, our Kinesiologist will find out about your health history, listen to your concerns and take a look at how you are moving, and specific movements related to your pain and limitation. From there, you’ll be lead through movements and exercise to help address your conerns, compensation patterns, build strength and improve mobility to help you move better and feel better. 

You’ll leave your first appointment with a plan for how to move forward and when/how often to come back. Your plan may include exercise, movement and breath work to be done at home.

We'll provide you with written instructions, videos and pictures to help support you in doing your home program, and will come up with strategies to help you stay accountable! 

Arrive to your appointment in clothes you're comfortable moving in and get ready to start feeling your best!

What are the benefits of  Kinesiology? 

  • Reduced pain
  • Improved strength, mobility & balance 
  • Improved function 
  • Improved performance
  • Improved confidence in movement
  • Getting active, staying active, and feeling strong and confident to do all the things you love! 

The biggest benefit of kinesiology services is gaining the strength and confidence to get back to, and continue to do the things you love and that bring you joy! 

Kinesiology will help you move well, live well, and be well! Don't wait another minute to get started, book in your first appointment or FREE 15 minute consultation now!


Are kinesiology and Physiotherapy the same?

Kinesiologists and Physiotherapists often work closely together but they have different education and roles. Kinesiologists are trained in and use movement and exercise to help reduce pain, recover from injuries and surgery and improve performance. Kinesiologists use a primarily active approach. Physiotherapists use a combination of passive (hands on, acupuncture, ultrasound) and active  (movement) to assess and treat pain and injury and manage health conditions.  Physiotherapists and Kinesiologists at Fit For Life Physiotherapy work together to treat clients and provide a well rounded and holistic approach to healing. 

What's the difference between massage therapy & kinesiology?

Massage therapy is a passive hands on treatment. Kinesiology uses a primarily active (movement) based approach to treatment. 

Is kinesiology covered by OHIP or extended health benefits?

Services at Fit For Life Physiotherapy are not covered by OHIP. Some extended health plans do cover kinesiology services - contact your provider to find out if your plan includes kinesiology! Receipts for kinesiology services can be used towards medical deductions on your income taxes. 

Tamara Cormier voted Best Kinesiologist in Burlington Ontario

Proud winner of the 2023 Burlington Post Readers Choice Award for Best Kinesiologist. 

Thank you Burlington for trusting us with your care!

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